








  Often all the people in a community may not agree with a law. There may be conflicts of beliefs and feelings. A common type of conflict occurs when the needs of desires of the majority of the community conflict with those of a minority in the community. For example, a community may decide that it would be a good idea to build a park in the middle of the town so that young children would have a playground, everyone would have a place to picnic, and people would have a place to walk their dogs. But in order to make the park, the town would have to sell their houses and business to the town. Most communities have a law that gives the town the right to buy private property for public use. But, of course, the people who would have to sell would not be happy. Is it right the community to make people leave their property?



What do you think the following picture tries to convey? Please answer in English in about 100 words.



Do you agree or disagree with the quotation below? Explain your position in English, giving specific reasons and examples to support your thinking in about 100 words.

  Saying no is tough in our society. Not many of us like dishing out rejection. We tend to feel guilty about turning people down. Also, we enjoy the feeling of being wanted and needed that invitations and requests bring.
Another reason: we want to avoid potential confrontations. We’re uncomfortable with the contest of wills we imagine may result. Then, too, most of us weren’t taught to value saying no, nor taught how to say no in ways that leave the feelings of all concerned intact. In most cases, we were even taught that saying no was selfish and uncooperative.
Last but not least, if we say yes to others often enough, we’ll hardly ever have time to say yes to our own most cherished goals and dreams. Then we won’t have to face the fear of failing to achieve them.

2003年度 (読解融合)





あなたはcell phones (mobile phones) の利用をどう思うか。次の文の内容と関連させて賛成・反対のいずれかの立場から、100語程度の英語で述べなさい。

  Millions of people are using cell phones today. In many places it is actually considered unusual not to use one. In many countries, cell phones are very popular with young people. They find that the phones are more than a means of communication ― having a mobile phone shows that they are cool and connected.
The explosion around the world in mobile phone use has some health professionals worried. Some doctors are concerned that in the future many people may suffer health problems from the use of mobile phones. In England, there has been a serious debate about this issue. Mobile phone companies are worried about the negative publicity of such ideas. They say that there is no proof that mobile phones are bad for your health.



  Recently, doctors at hospitals have been prescribing* too much medicine for patients. However, that is not the case with the doctor who has been my primary care physician since I was a child. My doctor has prescribed only a minimum of medicine and also recommended that I gargle, showing me how to do it properly. It warmed my heart. (female, 38)

注 prescribe: 処方する



Answer the following question in English in about 80 words.

“What kind of a friendship do you expect to have by e-mail over the mobile phone?”


Below is the picture of a person who just graduated from college. Write your own response to the message of the picture in English in about 80 words.



What kind of master would you like to have if you were a pet? Write your answer in English in about 80 words.


Is getting outdoors good for your health? Write your answer in English in about 80 words, using specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.


Describe your hero ― either actual (for example, your parent or an Olympic athlete) or fictional (for example, a character in a film or a novel) ― in English in about 80 words. Explain why you admire him or her.


Which do you choose e-mail or postal mail? Set up a situation and explain why you use e-mail or postal mail for the occasion. Write about it in English in about 80 words.


Write about the best teacher you have ever had. What was it about this teacher that brought about the best in you? What did you learn from this teacher? Write about them in English in about 70 words.





What makes you feel confident? Explain it in English in about 80 words, using specific reasons and examples.


If you have children in the future, what principles or policies will you follow in bringing them up? Write about 80 words in English, giving reasons and/or examples to support your answer.


What factors do you consider in selecting a vacation destination? Write 80 to 100 words in English, making sure that you explain why you think the factors you list are important.


It is said there are things that money cannot buy, but if you could buy absolutely anything, what would it be? Write 80 to 100 words in English, making sure you provide reasons to support your answer.


Robots are beginning to resemble humans more and more closely, not only in appearance but also in behavior. If you could design a robot, what would you make it capable of doing, and why? Write 100 words or so in English to explain your ideas.


How careful are you about what you eat for breakfast? Write 80 words or so in English to describe your habits regarding what many consider to be the most important meal of the day, making sure you give appropriate reasons and explanations.

2018年度 (読解融合)

[Ⅰ]- 問6

Do you think you spend enough time with other people? And how do you feel about the quality of that time? Would you prefer to spend more or less time socializing? Why?/Why not? Write 100 words or so in English to express your views on these questions.


[Ⅱ]- 問1




Give one or two examples of behavior you consider to be bad manners. How do you feel when you see people engaging in such behavior in public? Write about 100 words in English on this topic.













