







“Why are you laughing? Is there anything wrong with these Japanese characters? I don’t know the meaning, but I found them pretty as a design to put on a sweater I was knitting.”


 1998年度 ※和文英訳問題のため割愛



(1) ホームステイ先で知り合ったアメリカ人の友人から,観光旅行で日本に行くにはどの時期が一番いいかという問い合わせがありました。それに対するあなたの返事を,理由を挙げて30語程度の英語で答えなさい。

(2) ※和文英訳問題のため割愛

 2000年度 ※和文英訳問題のため割愛



  My seven-year-old son, “Danny,” is having trouble with his classmates at school. He has come home three times in the last two months with injuries. Last week, we had to take him to the hospital.
  I have talked to his teacher, but the situation has not improved. All she will do is keep Danny away from the other children and make him play in another area.
  I feel he is being punished for the bad behavior of others. I asked the teacher if I should speak to the parents of the children in question. She said, “It won’t help. Their parents also have problems.” If I complain, it could make it worse.
  I have encouraged Danny to fight back, even though I know this is not the best way to solve the problem, but it’s all I could think of. Today, he came home with a black eye, and I am seriously considering taking it into court. I am afraid for my son’s safety.
  Danny has asked us to take him out of school and teach him at home. One of his friends is doing this. I have not yet spoken to the principal because I doubt that he would be any more helpful than the teacher. I need some advice.



(1) 太郎:約束の時間から30分以上たっていること,間違って別のホールに行ったのかと思っていたということを述べる。すぐに来られるかどうか確かめる。

(2) Betty:待ち合わせの時間を間違えていたことを謝罪する。これからすぐに出るので,もう少し待っていてほしいということを述べる。

 2003年度 ※和文英訳問題のため割愛


高校生の一郎は,留学生のTomを自宅に招待して,家族といっしょに食事をすることにしました。日本料理に興味があるTomは,料理を手伝うつもりで早めに来ました。一郎の母が台所で料理をしているところにTomが入って来て,英語で会話をしています。それぞれ本人になったつもりで,次の(1)と(2)の内容を,[ ]内に指示された語数の英語で書きなさい。

(1)Tom: 料理を手伝わせてほしいと,その理由を述べて丁寧に頼む。[20語程度]


 2005年度 ※和文英訳問題のため割愛







問1 下線部(1)と(2)を英語に訳しなさい。

問2 公立小学校に英語教育を導入することに関するこの著者の意見についてどう思いますか。自分自身の考えを,50語程度の英語で述べなさい。

 2008~2010年度 和文英訳問題のため割愛




問1 What does this graph tell us? Write a paragraph of around 60 words. Include one brief introductory sentence that outlines the general trend, and two sentences that discuss some specific details from the graph.

問2 At what age do you think people should get their first mobile phone? Write another paragraph of around 60 words giving your opinion. Include reasons to support your opinion.








問1 下線部を英語に訳しなさい。

問2 この著者の意見について,どう思いますか。あなたの意見を,50語程度の英語で述べなさい。





問1 下線部を英語に訳しなさい。

問2 上の文章を読んで,あなたが青春期に大切だと考えることがらについて,理由や例を挙げて40語程度の英語で書きなさい。


Read the text and answer the following questions.

  There are several disadvantages with renewable energy. First, it is difficult to generate the quantities of electricity that are as large as those produced by traditional methods such as using coal, natural gas or nuclear energy. This may mean that we need to reduce the amount of energy we use or simply build more energy facilities.
  The second problem with renewable energy sources is the reliability of supply. Renewable energy often relies on the weather for its source of power. Hydro generators need rain to fill dams to supply flowing water. Wind turbines need wind to turn the blades, and solar panels need clear skies and sunshine.



  1. Complete the last paragraph based on the data presented in Figure 1. Answer in English, using around 40 words.
  2. Despite all of these disadvantages, what advantages does renewable energy have compared to traditional energy sources? Answer in English, using around 50 words.





問1 下線部を英語に訳しなさい。

問2 「社会的孤立」について,あなた自身の考えを80語程度の英語で述べなさい。


Follow the directions for (1) and (2) below. All answers must be written in English.


Situation: Two friends, Chris and Kim, find that they are lost after walking for a long time in a forest. They have no maps, no phones, and no clear memory of the point at which they lost their way.

Directions: Complete the conversation below by filling in the blanks ( A ) to ( D ). The number of words used in each blank should be within the word limits indicated.

Chris: I guess it’s safe to say that we’re lost. What should we do now?

Kim: ( A ) (10 to 20 words)

Chris: No, that’s not going to work because we do not have the right stuff.

Kim: You’re right. That’s not a very good idea.

Chris: ( B ) (10 to 20 words)

Kim: What? Are you joking? That’s really ( C )!! (1 words)

Chris: well, how about ( D ) (10 to 20 words)

Kim: I like the idea. Let’s try that!!


Situation: The map below indicates where Chris and Kim are currently located. They started at the Camp Office and originally planned to go to the Mountain Hut, but they did not make it there.

Directions: In 80 words or less, describe the route that you think they took to get to get to where they are now. In your description, include two occasions where they failed to follow a route that would have taken them to the Mountain Hut. (NOTE: The map does not show which way is north.)



Read the paragraph below and answer the following two questions.

Every day of our lives, we make many different decisions, both small and big. Sometimes we make decisions based on good reasons; other times we make decisions without careful consideration. One example of the latter is called the Bandwagon Effect. In this situation, you would choose to do something just because many other people are doing it.

(1) Describe a specific example of how the Bandwagon Effect has affected one of the decisions you have made in the past. The answer must be written in English. (around 40 words)

(2) Do you agree with the statement that the Bandwagon Effect has a stronger influence on teenagers than adults when they are making decisions? Include at least two reasons to support your answer. The answer must be written in English. (around 60 words)


Look at the pictograms (A) and (B), both of which represent a hot spring, and answer the following questions.


(1) Which pictogram do you think is more appropriate for tourists from overseas? Why do you think so? Write your answer in English. (around 60 words)

(2) What kind of action do you think the local governments in Japan should take to attract more overseas tourists to Japanese hot springs? Introduce your own ideas. Write your answer in English. (around 60 words)


Imagine you are going to rent accommodation from April. The two apartments below are available in an area you like. Answer the following questions.


(1) Which apartment would you choose and why? Write your answer in English (around 60 words).

(2) In Japan, key money (礼金) is paid to the owner as a token of gratitude at the start of each new rental contract. Some people say that this custom is behind the times and we should stop doing it. What do you think? Give reasons for your opinion (around 60 words).





